Pokémon Go type chart: usefulness, advantages, and disadvantages

Currently, the Pokémon Go universe offers so many distinct kinds and type combinations that even seasoned Pokémon scholars may need to sometimes review their notes. Therefore, in order to become the greatest person ever, you must understand how to respond to an Aerodactyle and your counters to Camerupt before you have to learn the hard way.

Fortunately, our Pokémon Go type chart is the perfect tool for any aspiring Pokémon master. With this, you may use very powerful techniques to strike opponents for six. You can also arrange for your favorite team to swap in and absorb any assaults that are repelled. It's particularly helpful for Pokémon Go players who are nostalgic and may have missed the introduction of new typings.

Once you are comfortable with our Pokémon Go type chart, check out our Pokémon GO legendary guide to see which heavyweights might be a good fit for your newly assembled squad. When it comes to type, you should also visit our Pokémon Go Eevee evolution list to see how to get all of the lovely Eevee substitutes.

Strengths, flaws, and efficacy of a Pokémon Go-style chart<

For those who are returning to the series, things are a bit simpler since every'mon in Pokémon Go has the same kind as in the main games. Type matches may vary, however, so it's still worthwhile for seasoned trainers to keep an eye on Niantic's interpretation of the enormous variety of available kinds.

Type Strong Against Weak Against Resistant To Vulnerable To
Fire Ice, Bug, Grass, Steel  Fire, Rock, Water, Dragon Grass, Bug, Fire, Ice, Steel  Water, Rock, Ground 
Water  Rock, Ground, Fire  Grass, Water, Dragon  Fire, Water, Steel, Ice  Grass, Electric 
Electric Flying, Water,  Grass, Ground, Electric, Dragon  Flying, Steel, Electric  Ground
Grass Ground, Rock, Water  Fire, Flying, Dragon, Bug, Grass, Steel, Poison  Ground, Electric, Grass, Water  Ice, Fire, Bug, Flying, Poison 
Normal  – Steel, Ghost, Rock Ghost  Fighting 
Psychic  Poison, Fighting  Steel, Dark, Psychic  Psychic, Fighting  Ghost, Dark, Bug 
Ghost Psychic, Ghost  Normal, Dark  Normal, Poison, Bug, Fighting Dark, Ghost 
Fighting Normal, Rock, Ice, Steel, Dark Psychic, Flying, Fairy, Bug, Ghost, Poison  Dark, Rock, Bug  Psychic, Fairy, Flying 
Rock Fire, Bug, Flying, Ice  Ground, Fighting, Steel  Normal, Poison, Fire, Flying  Water, Steel, Fighting, Grass, Ground 
Ground Poison, Fire, Rock, Steel, Electric  Flying, Bug, Grass  Rock, Poison, Electric  Ice, Water, Grass
Dragon Dragon Fairy, Steel Grass, Electric, Fire, Water  Dragon, Fairy, Ice 
Flying Fighting, Bug, Grass  Rock, Steel, Electric  Fighting, Grass, Ground, Bug  Ice, Electric, Rock 
Ice Grass, Ground, Dragon, Flying Steel, Water, Fire, Ice Ice  Fire, Fighting, Rock, Steel 
Poison  Fairy, Grass Steel, Rock, Ghost, Ground, Poison  Fighting, Poison, Grass, Fairy  Psychic, Ground
Bug  Dark, Grass, Psychic  Flying, Ghost, Fire, Steel, Poison, Fairy, Fighting Grass, Ground, Fighting  Rock, Flying, Fairy
Dark Psychic, Ghost  Fairy, Dark, Fighting  Ghost, Dark, Psychic  Fairy, Bug, Fighting 
Steel Ice, Rock, Fairy  Fire, Steel, Water, Electric  Grass, Ice, Fairy, Flying, Poison, Steel, Rock, Psychic Dragon, Bug  Ground, Fire, Fighting 
Fairy  Fighting, Dragon, Dark  Steel, Poison, Fire  Dragon, Dark, Bug, Fighting  Steel, Poison 

Pokémon Go's Immunities and Multipliers

Even with our Pocket* émon With so many dual-type Pok, it might still take some trial and error to figure out which attack to use.émon. The good news is that you don't need to do the arithmetic since we are aware of the precise multipliers for every possible combination.
Super effective against one type 2.56x 
Super effective against both types  1.6x
Not very effective against one type 0.625x 
Not very effective against two types  0.391x
Longtime players of the series will also be aware that some Pokémon are completely impervious to attacks of a certain kind in the core series games, but that isn't the case in Pokémon Go. In this game, however, moves that are normally immune are double resisted and have the same damage multiplier as a less effective move against two kinds.Now that you've experienced all of that, you ought to be primed and prepared for some more challenging Pokémon Go encounters. Check out our collection of Pokémon Go codes for access to a ton of Pokéballs and other useful goods if you still need assistance leveling up your squad.