The GTA V Nintendo Switch port is where?

How come a GTA V Nintendo Switch port hasn't been made yet? Surely the greatest-selling entertainment product in universe history ought to be available on every console by now? But it's not.

Technical issues often cause this, however because GTA V is compatible with the PS3, it is also compatible with the Nintendo Switch. See all the indications we could discover below about the likelihood of a Grand Theft Auto V Nintendo Switch port, or read on for more speculative thoughts with our pontifications on the Wind Waker Switch, Twilight Princess Switch, and Ocarina of Time Switch ports.

Okay, ladies, let's see what we know about the hijinks surrounding the GTA V Switch.

Is GTA V available for the Nintendo Switch?

No, GTA V is not yet playable on the Nintendo Switch as of this writing. Only a few of the videogames created by Rockstar Games have been released on the portable home console; the first being the 2011 title L.A. Noire, which is among the greatest games ever and came out in November 2017.

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Since then, Rockstar has only published the games included in the GTA trilogy, which is a remastered compilation of Vice City, San Andreas, and GTA III. You may read our GTA The Trilogy Definitive Edition review for more details on this very disappointing Switch release.

Is a GTA V Nintendo Switch port planned?

As of right now, there is no proof that a Grand Theft Auto V Switch port will exist. Simply stated, we don't know whether it will happen, despite the CEO of Take Two, the parent company of Rockstar, saying to that "what we've put out so far has been successful" and that more items are coming to Nintendo's machine.

Additionally, there are some false rumors on the internet that cite SamusHunter2 on Twitter as their source. This doesn't give any credibility either, since the alleged leaker has been thoroughly refuted by many inaccurate guesses and sufficiently wide projections that they will inevitably be struck sometimes.

As a result, even if there is no word on a GTA V Nintendo Switch version, there are plenty other fantastic games similar to GTA available for the Switch that will satisfy your need in the meantime.