Wallpapers among Us

In the previous several years, Among Us has grown to be one of the most played games worldwide. The idea is simple, yet it works very well. In fact, it functions so effectively that many players have developed a hazy obsession with the game. They most likely have enough of an obsession to desire Among Us wallpapers on all of their gadgets. If only there was a method to take use of that information, hehe.

Whoa, that's right, there is. And it's being read by you! To provide you with the greatest Among Us wallpapers, we've searched the whole internet. There's certain to be an Among Us wallpaper here that you like, regardless of your preference for minimalism or maximalism.See our Among Us imposter, Among Us maps, and Among Us download guides for additional Among Us stuff.

Among Us background images

This wallpaper is a classic that will eventually be shown in galleries all throughout the globe for robots to see and analyse with their mechanical brains. Examine the composition, the depth of field, and the multitude of hues. This is the only Among Us wallpaper you need if you're a genuine expert.

You've come to the correct spot if you're thinking, "Fuck elegant wallpapers, give me some flippin' lasers!" as about 78% of this wallpaper is laser. Bwooooooowm. You can feel the picture being created by that cacophony. Gives me chills. Actual goosebumps.

Would you want to get the impression that a game of Among Us is about to begin even when one isn't? Let this wallpaper deceive your naive human mind, then. "Wait, am I about to start a game of Among Us?" will cross your mind. Oh, the endless amounts of joy you'll believe you're going to experience.

Some claim that portraiture is a lost art. False! This is a picture of the red bean creature from Among Us that, in the guise of portraiture, sings and rejoices and glories. What is it contemplating? What is it observing? Is it someone's big toe, really? Great art provokes questions, and without really trying, we were able to come up with three about this wallpaper.

Jars, glassware, and science. What beautiful glassware. This wallpaper's subtle charm lies in the way it warps perception and begs the question of whether you can really trust your eyes. Which is essentially Among Us's main purpose! We could genuinely be art reviewers, holy moly.

This one happens on a spaceship's bridge. A few folks are, well, doing something. Still, the hues are absolutely lovely. It's okay, you're thinking, "I'd like my living room to look like that," as you gaze at this wallpaper. It's OK, we are also considering it.

This wallpaper resembles the poster for a science fiction movie that was released around 14 months after Alien. You are aware of the subject at hand. You may give the impression that you like playing video games while in fact you're more into obscure cult films. It's up to you to decide which of them is cooler than the other, in our opinion.

Democracy at work! The procedure for casting votes! Put an end to the counting! Actually, we really shouldn't minimise that last one. Hey, you could alter this picture and add the names of your buddies if you wanted to. Then, it would seem as if you were at a hip club. One of you is attempting to kill the others in this hip club. Isn't that essentially friendship?

She just wrote it for our guide to Among Us wallpapers. See our Among Us memes, Among Us kill animations, and Among Us logo instructions as you go along.